Outcome Based Security
Webinar [1 Aug 2024, 5pm]
Acestes has Partnered with Union of Security Employees (USE) and Singapore Manufacturing Federation (SMF) Centre for Corporate Learning to hold a webinar to discuss about increasing manpower costs and its implications for security service buyers and the benefits of hiring Security Outcome-Based Contracts.
From MCST Council Members to Procurement Managers, as long as you are hiring physical security services for your premises, you will want to listen in!
Hurry up and register below before it closes on 30th June!

What is Outcome Based Security Contracts?
As PWM is set to increase security prices for the coming years, we have to look towards a different approach to physical security to maintain the standards of security while lowering costs.
Mr Louis Amalorpavanathan, MD of Acestes Pte Ltd, is an advocate for a new system of outcome based security, which provides employers with the metrics and standards to assess their security suppliers.
Using this new system, employers are able to more clearly understand the scope of work that their security is providing and accurately assess each month if the standards are being met regardless of the manpower provided. This system effectively lowers the cost of security as the requirements will not be strictly linked to manpower.

Don't miss out on this webinar, Register now!
This Webinar will provide valuable insights into the new framework and will help you make informed decisions that will lead to greater savings in the long run!